Realizations and references
Construction projects and references
1. Restructuring the storm sewer system, storm tanks, sanitary sewage system, fire protection systems for production plant “NESTLE PURINA” -reference
2. Building of ul. Wojanowska and a road along Al. Stabłowicka in Wrocław for STRABAG Infrastruktura Południe Sp. z o.o. - reference
3. Building of sanitary and storm water system in ul. Marco Polo, Magellana, Chałupnica in Wrocław for INCOM S.A. - reference
4. Modernisation of water distribution network in Wrocław in: ul. Dworcowa, Podwale, and Z. Krasińskiego for MPWiK S.A. - reference
5. Building of sanitary sewage system in Wrocław in ul. Graniczna - stage 2 - sanitary sewage system DN200 and in ul. Skarżyńskiego for MPWiK S.A. - reference
6. Building of gravity and pressure sewage system and necessary technical infrastructure together with Control and Instrumentation Equipment for sewage pumping station for MPWiK S.A. - reference
7. Building of connection of ul. Jedności Narodowej with ul. Trzebnicka for ERBUD S.A. - reference