1st Science & Technical Conference ENERGY QUALITY 2010
Science and Technical Conference ENERGY QUALITY 2010 shall be held on 25-26 November 2010 in Piechowice near Szklarska Poręba. Main aim of the conference is the exchange of experiences in the scope of energy quality as well as in the registration of analysis of phenomena in power grids.
The conference is directed to specialists in the field of power engineering who deal with the problem of energy quality in power grids (engineers-practitioners, academics, employees of institutes and research and development centers).
The conference comprises factual lectures, thematic discussions as well as technical displays.
Topics of the conference:
- Parameters of electric energy quality – determination and standardization
- Methods of analyzing electric energy quality – modeling and simulation
- Measurements of electric energy quality – analyzing the results for diagnostic purposes
- Methods of improving electric energy quality – filters, compensators
- Energy quality in market conditions – economic aspects of energy quality and the costs of powering
Science and Technology Committee
- Prof. Zbigniew Hanzelka, PhD, Eng. [prof. dr hab. inż.], AGH University of Science and Technology [Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza] in Kraków
- Prof. Andrzej Bień, PhD, Eng. [prof. dr hab. inż.] AGH University of Science and Technology [Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza] in Kraków
- Paweł Kazimierczuk, MSc, Eng. [mgr inż.], PROCOM SYSTEM S.A.
Conference organizers:
AGH University of Science and Technology [Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza] in Kraków
Media sponsor:
Wiadomości Elektrotechniczne
For more information go to www.jakoscenergii.pl