ELEKTROTIM S.A. - it is already 15 years!
We are delighted to inform you about the upcoming 15th Anniversary of Establishing ELEKTROTIM. On 13 November 1998 12 natural persons and TIM S.A. signed the Founding Act. These natural persons included: Andrzej Diakun, Zdzisław Mędrek, Maria Łukomska, Marian Wojdyło, Bogusław Ficoń, Piotr Grzegorczyk, Artur Wócikowski, Marian Kawecki, Tadeusz Mazur, Dariusz Skrabski, Feliks Szymczak and Zenon Ścigała; TIM S.A. was represented by: Krzysztof Folta and Krzysztof Wieczorkowski. ELEKTROTIM started its activity in January 1999. In the first year the mid-year employment in the Company was 164 people and the income for 1999 amounted to PLN 35 million.