Recommendation of payments of dividends for the Shareholders of ELEKTROTIM S.A.
The Management Board of ELEKTROTIM S.A. informs that on 10.04.2015 it passed a resolution referring to the motion to the General Meeting of Shareholders on the division of the Company's net profit for 2014. The above-mentioned Resolution of the Board includes allotting the entirety of the profit net for 2014 to the payment of dividends to the Shareholders of the Company. The Management Board of ELEKTROTIM S.A. shall recommend and request for passing by the General Meeting of Shareholders the resolution regarding the payment of dividends for the Shareholders of the Company in the amount of PLN 0.60 for 1 share of ELEKTROTIM S.A. The motion of the Board of ELEKTROTIM S.A. shall be the subject of the opinion of the Supervisory Board during the next meeting.